The pedagogy of Computational Thinking has been more visual than tactile, thereby leading to lack of inclusion in the classroom. The aspiration of this challenge is to create a novel approach to CT which can be equally accessible for learners with speech, hearing or visual impairment or those without any impairments.
Entries are invited for the design of accessible games or challenging activities using tactile materials, i.e. activities which use touch as the principal medium. The games are expected to meet the learning objectives of Computational Thinking at an Elementary level (Grades 1 - 8) as per the CSpathshala Curriculum ( Please refer to the accessible CT games created by Project VICT which follow the Ludic Design Approach for an in depth understanding of the same.
Computer Scientists Staff and students of Mathematics and Computer Science at colleges and high schools. Designers and educators interested in computational thinking. All entries may be sent to (in DOC or PDF format) by 30th May 2022 with the subject “Your name-Game Name-TACT Grand Challenge - CTIS 2022”. E.g. Ramanujam-BeadStringing-TACT Grand Challenge-CTIS2022. Please refer to the grand challenge template and samples provided for preparing your abstract. It is recommended to follow the format suggested by these samples.
Please send the abstract to The abstract may be in English, Hindi or Marathi. The names of all authors, the details of school affiliation and contact details are ESSENTIAL.
The top 20 entries will be selected by a team of reviewers composed of experts in CT and inclusive education. They will be provided with an opportunity to conduct a participatory workshop at the conference. These games will be published on the conference website. A brief video of the game would be very useful.
This conference session is being planned as an exhibition / game pavilion where delegates spend time with each game design booth and play/interact with each creator. This session is intended to showcase the 20 best tactile Computational Thinking games designed by the CT community at large and experienced with the participating teachers at CTiS 2022. The top five of these games as voted by the delegates who engage with the designers will be awarded prizes by reputed sponsors. Their games will be included in the CSpathshala curriculum for wide circulation at schools.
TACT GRAND CHALLENGE 2022 has been a novel attempt at creating awareness about the need for inclusion in the CT academic and practitioners community. The challenge has received 30 entries from across India and some other countries. We are happy to announce the name and Titles of the abstracts of the finalists below: