

The paper must be submitted as a single PDF through the CMT3 conference management system: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/COMPUTE2023

You must use the templates (Word or LaTeX) provided by ACM Proceedings Template to prepare your paper (Use the two-column template). Authors using LaTeX may use the “SIGCONF” proceedings template. If you use Overleaf, use Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) – SIG Proceedings Template.” Authors using Word can use this template file. Word users should convert their files to a single PDF and then submit. 

The papers have to be original, i.e., not previously published in another conference or journal, nor currently under review by another conference or journal. Every submission will be checked for originality using a plagiarism detection software service, such as iThenticate.

A few important points to note:

  1. Review process is single-anonymous (reviewers know the names and backgrounds of the authors of the papers they are reviewing). Authors may include their names in the manuscript. However, anonymous submissions are also accepted.
  2. Page limits (six pages for papers, four pages for short papers) are inclusive of references.
  3. The papers accepted for COMPUTE 2023 will be published as Proceedings by ACM ICPS and indexed in the ACM digital Library. This applies to regular papers as well as short papers.
  4. Short papers will be presented as lightening talks and also displayed as posters.
  5. A few papers may be accepted as posters. While they will not be published as Proceedings, they will be given a chance to present their idea as a lightning talk during common CompEd-COMPUTE sessions, and will be part of the poster presentation on the rest of the two days.