COMPUTE is an annual Indian conference supported by ACM India and iSIGCSE. The focus of COMPUTE is to improve the quality of computing education in the country by providing a platform for academicians and researchers to interact and share best practices in teaching, learning, and education in general.
COMPUTE 2023 is the sixth edition in the series and is planned to be held during Dec 9-11, 2023. COMPUTE 2023 is being organized under the aegis of the iSIGCSE (India Chapter of Special Interest Group on CS Education) in cooperation with ACM and SIGCSE. It will be held at University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad in physical mode. A few common sessions are planned with CompEd 2023 (ACM Global Computing Education Conference) on 9th December, 2023.
This year, COMPUTE 2023 is co-located with ACM CompEd 2023. COMPUTE and ACM CompEd share the common mission of bringing together educators, researchers and scholars in the field of computer science education at a national and global level. Co-locating the conferences in Hyderabad, India provides an opportunity for both communities to interact and showcase their research. Last day of CompEd and first day of COMPUTE has a common schedule and will be attended by participants from both the conferences.
Our Mission

Important Dates

July 31, 2023 AoE August 12, 2023, AoE (strict deadline – no further extension)
Submission Deadline

October 3, 2023
Notifications to Authors

October 23, 2023
Camera Ready due

Dec 09-11, 2023
Conference Dates

University of Hyderabad
University of Hyderabad (IAST: Hydarāvād visvavidyālayamu) is a top ranking public central research university located in Hyderabad, Telangana, India. Founded in 1974, this mostly residential campus has more than 5,000 students and 400 faculty, from several disciplines. The governor of the state of Telangana is ex-officio the chief rector of the university, while the President of India is the visitor to the university. The university was established along the lines of the Six-Point Formula of 1973. The first vice-chancellor of the university was Banaras Hindu University organic chemist Gurbaksh Singh, from 1974 to 1979. Shri B D Jatti was the first chancellor of the university.
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