
Following workshops will be held at COMPUTE ’23:

  • Workshop 1 – Getting Started with Computing Education Research
  • Workshop 2 -Digital Tutors: Enhancing Education with LLMs 

Please register for the workshop you would like to attend, or reach out to the contact persons; read on for more details about these workshops.

Workshop 1: Getting Started with Computing Education Research

Calling all passionate Computer Science faculty!

Have you ever tried some innovative strategies in your classroom?

Do you wonder how you can translate these ideas into a research paper?

Then this workshop is for you!

Go ahead and register here.

The main aim of the workshop will be to familiarize interested CS faculty with computing education research. The workshop aims to equip faculty to conduct action research in their classrooms, which includes identifying a teaching/learning problem, designing and implementing a solution, performing relevant data collection and analyses, and in recognizing the value of such research in improving the learning outcomes of their students.

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify the key components of a computing education research paper
  2. Identify a teaching/learning problem and position the problem based on existing literature
  3. Design an intervention which aims to address the problem
  4. Propose a detailed study plan, with details on how to execute the research study

We plan to conduct 6 online sessions between September to December, prior to the conference. The aim of these sessions are to help participants start thinking of a research idea, and provide resources and pointers to help them plan and conduct their research studies.

Incentives to participate in the pre-conference sessions

  1. Participants who actively participate in the pre-conference sessions will be assigned a mentor to support them for their research and paper writing
  2. Workshop certificate for all those who actively participate in all pre-workshop sessions and the main workshop
  3. Opportunity to present their ideas during Compute

Resource Persons

  1. Dr. Prajish Prasad, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Computing and Data Sciences, FLAME University, Pune
  2. Dr. T.G. Lakshmi, Head- Research, Shikha Institute of Education, Mumbai
  3. Dr. Deepti Reddy, Associate Professor at Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering, NMIMS, Mumbai
  4. Various mentors who will provide support to participants during the entire span of the workshop

For any queries, please reach out to prajish.prasad@flame.edu.in

Workshop 2 – Digital Tutors: Enhancing Education with LLMs 


The evolution of teaching and learning methods over the ages has been shaped by revolutionary innovations: the printing press democratized books, the internet spread knowledge far and wide, and smartphones made information instantly accessible. Today, we stand on the brink of another paradigm shift in education: Large Language Models (LLMs). Just as previous innovations bridged various gaps in the learning process, LLMs have the potential to offer hyper personalized digital tutoring, ensuring an equitable educational landscape for everyone. The advent of LLMs may be the tool that puts every learner on a level playing field, irrespective of their socio-economic or geographical barriers. 

Objectives of the Workshop

  1. To introduce the participants to the world of LLM and its impact on modern education. 
  2. To highlight the integration of traditional and modern learning theories with LLMs to optimize learning outcomes. 
  3. To share preliminary research and studies underpinning the promise and potential of LLMs in reshaping educational norms and practices. 

 Specific Topics to be Covered 

  1. Learning by Doing: Understanding the power of experiential learning and its application with LLMs. 
  2. One-on-One Tutoring: Embracing the capability of LLMs to provide individualized teaching, tailored to each student’s needs. 
  3. Socratic Learning: Implementing the art of critical thinking and questioning with the help of LLMs. 
  4. Accountable Talk: Using LLMs to promote conversations that foster reasoning and evidence-backed discussions. 
  5. Use of LLMs in Teaching Computer Science: A case study approach to understanding the practical applications of LLMs in computer science education. 

Outcomes Envisioned from the Workshop

By the culmination of this workshop: 

  1. Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of LLMs and the transformative change they can usher in the world of education. 
  2. Attendees will be equipped to reimagine the future of education by integrating LLM technologies into their respective domains. 
  3. Participants will become well-versed in the potential limitations of LLMs, ensuring a balanced and informed perspective on their use in education. 

Resource Persons: 

  1. Praveen Garimella: Director of Digital Learning at the Indian School of Business (ISB) 
  2. Prof. Vasudeva Varma: Head, the Applied Research Group at Brane Enterprises